onizou idea nomads - urban nomad - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
urban nomad filmfest - we missed the films but joined the party








A guy in a golden cannonball man suit and a motorcycle helmet, playing weird repetitive blues on a slide guitar and base drums with a girl bouncing on each leg. Stupid? Sexist? Probably, but it still made for a spectacular concert. The reason we unexpectedly came across Bob Log III (yep, that’s


onizou idea nomads - urban nomad - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
bob log III. say no more.


the guy’s name, and there’s a whole Wikipedia page about him) was that he performed at the opening party of the Urban Nomad Filmfest in Taipei. As we are nomads too, we felt obliged to go there. We were not disappointed. After a burlesque performance by a group of ladies (and a man) with scooter


onizou idea nomads - urban nomad - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
bob in a boat


helmets (a theme?) on their heads, enter Bob Log III for a blasting performance. At the end of the concert, Klara was sent on a special mission: put an IDEA NOMADS sticker on the helmet. Success! Just check the picture proof and movie below...



We’re fans of you now, Bob – you can become fans of us too! You know where to find us – the address is on your helmet.